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Allied Health Assistant

Move, feel and live better today Enquire Now

Our team's cross-discipline collaboration provides the best results for you

Allied Health Assistant

Allied health assistants (AHA’s) work under the direction of allied health professionals such as physiotherapists, exercise physiologists and occupational therapists to provide therapeutic support.

AHAs are a valuable addition to your healthcare team, working closely alongside your allied health professionals to support and motivate you to complete your therapy plans and exercise programs.

How can Allied Health Assistants help you?

Our team of AHAs will work in conjunction with our allied health team in assisting you in making progress, gaining confidence, and achieving your goals.

“I really appreciate the thought and communication between my therapists that keeps my rehab always moving forward”

Allied health assistant client

Need help with this?

We’re here for you, contact us today

Hand Therapy
Wheelchair & Seating
Group Classes
Exercise Physiology
Occupational Therapy