Hayley Osborne
Neurological Physiotherapist BPT | APAM
As a young girl Hayley read an autobiography called “Never tell me never”. The book follows a young Australian athlete through tragedy and recovery from spinal cord injury and multi trauma. I thought I want to be part of the team that helped make that happen! Years later Hayley found herself in physiotherapy, with a special interest in neuro rehab. The book had struck a cord.
Hayley loves being a part of stroke rehabilitation, from the first steps, to getting back in to running. She also has a passion for vestibular rehabilitation and falls prevention. What she loves is the complexity, no one presentation is the same as another, nor one person the same as the next, so the rehabilitation approach needs to adapt each time to the individual person. She loves meeting people from all different backgrounds and building relationships with them. She has learnt so much from her clients, and she hopes they have learnt from her too.
Hayley describes her clinical practice as client-centered; evidence based; adaptable; friendly; and encouraging. She values her membership to the Australian Physiotherapy Association Neurology group, and integrates her Basic and Advanced Bobath course skills in her everyday clinical approach. Hayley particularly enjoys the diversity of clinical presentations, and the interdisciplinary approach to clinical care at Steps.